Barrie faces foreclosure, loss of his 15,000-square-foot McMansion

His resort is bankrupt, his properties are facing repossession, and his half-built interchange sits abandoned and un-paid-for. But Len Barrie wants you to know he's still in the game! He could make an offer, anytime! But maybe he doesn't realize he's at the mercy of the Curse of Bear Mountain, the torment of all greedy and stupid people who disturb native grave sites. Here's how the curse works: first it sucks away your money, then your mind, then your soul! Bwa ha ha!

Len Barrie's house, a stone's throw from the native cave he blew up. Photo: A News.

Once upon a time, Barrie's house was mortgaged for almost $14 million. Now the interest is $1400 a day, and the bank is calling in the loan, and all the other loans on the other properties. The moral of the story is: don't screw people over. The end.


  1. I would say first it sucks away your soul, then your mind, then your money only a soulless person would desecrate an ancient burial site.

  2. Stew may be the mayor but I am the king.

    -Len Barrie

  3. the natives would claim anywhere was a burial grund just to stop development. I don't buy this curse at all...just bad business.

  4. Why would Len be a person that people would follow and look up to in the first place? Sadly, he did not create this nightmare of "progress" alone.

  5. Who is currently checking on Bear Mountain's environmental promise? I see so many chemicals being dumped into the ecosystem there that many of the ponds are now rampent with blue-green aglae and can no longer host any wildlife. No one seems to be following up on the rehabilation of the wildlife and natural systems up there. What can we do? I would like to do something.
